Park Entrance

You can enjoy a unique cable Ferry ride to our Park, which is free of charge and operates on a 24 hour basis. Crossing time on Ferry is approximately 5 minutes and can accommodate the largest RV with a vehicle in tow. ( No Limit on size of RV)

Westfield Ferry
(Click picture to enlarge it)

Driving Directions
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Traveling from USA - Calais Maine Border, St.Stephen

From route 1, take Fredericton exit 114
On to route 7, take Grand Bay-Westfield exit 90
On to route 177 (north) , through Grand Bay-Westfield
After approximately 10 minutes driving
Look for Ferry crossing sign, will be a right-hand turn
Cross Ferry, arriving at Hardings Point Ferry Landing
Enter Park entrance on rightside of Ferry Landing.

Traveling from Ontario, Quebec, USA-Holton Maine Border & Fredericton

From route 2, take route 7
Take(second exit), GrandBay-Westfield exit 80
Turn left, proceeding to bottom of hill
At four corners, make right-hand turn on to 177 (south)
After approximately 3 minutes driving (2km)
Look for Ferry crossing sign, will be a sharp left-hand tum
Cross Ferry, arriving at Hardings Point Ferry Landing
Enter Park entrance on rightside of Ferry Landing.

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